HOW TO COUNT THE BIRDS: Easy as 1-2-3!
1) Count birds anywhere you like for at LEAST 15 minutes—or for as long as you
wish. Keep track of the kinds of birds you see and how long you watched.
2) Make your best estimate of how many birds you saw of each species. For
example, 5 Northern Cardinals, 3 American Crows. Huge flocks may be a challenge,
but your best guess is still valuable.
3) Enter your list(s) online at
Put in a new checklist:
--for each new day
--for each different location
--for the same location, same day, if you counted at a different time of day
Note: There are three ways to enter your bird lists at
1) Merlin Bird ID app
2) eBird Mobile app
3) eBird web page (desktops and laptops)
Look for more detailed instructions on the Great Backyard Bird Count - How To Participate.